Lars Omdal (Norja): Spiritismin kehitys Euroopassa ja Brasiliassa

Päiväys ja aika
la 4.3.2017, 17:00 - 20:00
Seitsentähtisali, Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki

Englanninkielinen, kaikille avoin luento 4.3. klo 17:00 – 20:00 aiheesta: How Spiritism started in Europe, flourished in Brazil and now comes back to Europe. Puhuja: Lars Omdal (lääkäri, Oslon spiritistisen yhdistyksen jäsen). Järjestäjä: Allan Kardecin opin ystävät ry

Lars Omdal is a medical doctor in Oslo at Balderklinikken, with a holistic approach towards thyroid patients. He lives with his wife Mara, partly in Brazil and partly in Norway. In the small beach village of Atins, in Maranhão, Brazil, they have built up and run together a charming guesthouse called Pousada Flamboyant. He is a member of the Oslo spiritist group GEEAK.

”I was introduced to Brazilian Spiritism many years ago by my wife Mara. Since then, through the direct observation of mediumship phenomena, and studies of principally Allan Kardec’s and Chico Xavier’s work, my worldview has changed and expanded dramatically. I am convinced that Spiritism has essential things to teach us all, and is very much needed for more profound progress in today’s world.”